
You Are Just A Wallet To Me 2 - 16 September 2020
Back again, simply cannot stay away can you?! You do know I'm using you right? I don't know your name, nor do I want to know your name....
Your Social Life Pop - 09 September 2020
This is your happy place, you wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Once armed with a bottle...

Youre A Jokee - 05 September 2020
The crueler I am to you, the more I boss you about, the more I publicly humiliate you and the more smug I become... the more you are desperate to...

Where You Belong - 02 September 2020
You can’t help but come crawling back for more. You love being at the feet...

You Cannot Escape Your Addiction - 29 August 2020
Are you really trying to escape your addiction? Of course your not. You would be totally lost without Femdom...
Teasing My Jerk Off Addict - 26 August 2020
You're such a pervert for my clips, jerking yourself senseless each and every time....

You Fucking Loser - 19 August 2020
Loser is your favorite word. It's exactly what you are. Pathetic, useless little loser. You are...

Shiny Leggings Ignore - 15 August 2020
One of my favourite things to do. Have my back turned ignoring you. Let's face it, you don't deserve my attention do you. You can sit there and drool over...
Lost in a head fuck - 12 August 2020
You are constantly looking for any opportunity to lose yourself, forget who you really are and...

Yellow Tights - 08 August 2020
Look at what my tights do to you. Look at that big bulge between your legs, look at what a mess you become and notice how you can’t...
Taste It Today - 05 August 2020
Go on, it won't harm. Who knows where it could lead huh? What are you scared of? Scared that you might love it, love the taste,...
Stroke To Losing It All - 01 August 2020
You often stroke to the possibility of losing it all, to spend all your cash on a Goddess who doesn't...
Total Pervert For My Tits - 29 July 2020
My huge natural titties completely over power you. They are your life. They are everything to...