
Smothered By My Ass - 29 June 2019
Yes, that's where I want you. Right down there, on your knees, looking up at my divine...

Stay Weak For My Tits - 26 June 2019
What is it you love so much about my tits? The way they are perfectely round? naturally full? cute cleavage? or just because they...
Thank Me For Making You A Loser - 22 June 2019
Before you found me you was one lost individual, falling from pillar...

You Really Shouldnt Buy This - 19 June 2019
But of course you're going to aren't you. You can't help but buy this clip,...

Overpricing Is Sexy - 15 June 2019
I love how easy it is to just take from you. Over charge, over price and just basically...

Queen Bee - 08 June 2019
Let’s get this straight here, I am the Queen Bee and you are my worker bees. ...

My Losers Will Eat Their Spunk - 01 June 2019
There's no question about it. You're going to do exactly as I say today. You're going to devour...

My Bfs Trainers - 25 May 2019
My Alpha Boyfriend has always been something you have dreamed of. Strong, macho and well...

Milking Round 2 - 15 May 2019
You walk into the room, ordering me to "Wake up Edward!" asking how my first night...

Relentless Edging - 04 May 2019
I love controlling your every stroke. Relentlessly edging you over and over. I...